Old / New / Newer
2020 Interreg Slovakia-AustriaVŠVU / Die Angewandte / MAK / SCD
V spolupráci:Barbora KrejčováPavol SoukalLucy Carrick
The project reflects on a large parallel between religion and Facebook, the largest social media network. At the end of 2018, the number of monthly Facebook users exceeded the number of followers of the world's largest religion, Christianity. Before the rise of social media it would have been impossible to imagine a group of people this size, coming under one community and one set of guidelines besides for the religion purposes. Facebook has become the largest associator of people.
By combining the texts from Bible and Terms of Service of Facebook into two short slightly absurd text compilations, we open the space to contemplate on the impact these two documents and the ideologies they represent have on our lives.
The act of revealing concealed parallels is represented by the movement of the visitor within the art installation in the space in front of the projectors. Only by using own body the viewer is able to cover one text so that the other is legible. The project itself is therefore a set of conditions that the viewer must accept. It opens the question that addresses the principle of free choice, which conditions are we willing to accept and which no longer?